Depot Salekasa

Name of the Depot : Salekasa
Location : 45 K.M. from Gondia (Google Location)
Area of Depot : 6.00 Hectare
About Depots: Thinning material like fuel beat and bamboo exploitation material like long bamboo and bamboo bundle are transported from forest to Salekasa depot, after that the material are graded and stacked.
Quantity for Sale : Particular Available Quantity (As on 01-07-2022)
Number Cubic meter
Teak Timber 243 14.887
Non-teak Timber 4 0.335
Teak Poles 693 6.583
Non-teak Poles 34 0.526
Teak Beat 0 6.50
Non-teak Beat 0 727
Long Bamboo 33500 0
Bamboo Bundle 0 0
Contact Persaon : Name: M S Bagde
Designation: Range Forest Officer
Mobile No: 8767108708