Plantation & Afforestation

Ever Since the formation of Forest Development Board in 1969, the plantations have been raised under various programmes/schemes. These plantations are mainly of Teak & Bamboo in addition to Sisoo, Shivan and other miscellaneus species. The important plantation programmes undertaken by the Company are:

1. Raising Teak Plantations by Clear felling on 1.24 Lakhs Hectare during year 1970-87.

2 Waste Land Development Programme on 2.35 Lakhs Hectare during year 1988-91.

3. World Bank Aided MFP on 1.20 Lakhs Hectare during year 1992-2000.

4. Conversion to Uniform System(OWR Teak Plantation) on 0.35 Lakhs Hectare during year 2002 -2022.

5. Mixed Plantation on 0.37 Lakhs Hectare during year 2002-2022.

The details of the Plantation raised in the last five years are as under:

Year Teak Plantations (Ha) Miscellaneous Plantations (Ha) Total Plantations (Ha)
2018 2085.71 2547.50 4633.21
2019 1557.92 1621.00 3178.92
2020 1653.23 669.00 2322.23
2021 921.03 763.70 1684.73
2022 1899.71 592.70 2492.41