Depot Risala

Name of the Depot : Risala
Location : Nagpur – Khapa - Badegaon,60 K.M. (Google Location)
Area of Depot : 18.00 Hectare
About Depots: Risala is established in the year 1983. The Central Depot is selected for the purpose of Sale of Timber, Poles and Firewood, extracted from regular departmental harvesting, thinning and seized material of offence cases.The timber, poles & firewood received from the forest is graded and stacked in this depot.
Quantity for Sale : Particular Available Quantity (As on 30-09-2022)
Number Cubic meter
Teak Timber 0 0
Non-teak Timber 37 2.684
Teak Poles 3408 71.944
Non-teak Poles 0 0
Teak Beat 3.50 0
Non-teak Beat 8.25 0
Long Bamboo 0 0
Bamboo Bundle 0 0
Contact Persaon : Name: Nanabhau Machindra Bhujbal
Designation: Forester
Mobile No: 9370168137