Managing Director Desk

Forest Development Corporation of Maharashtra (FDCM) Ltd. stands out as one of the best-run public sector units in the State of Maharashtra and ranks among the most vibrant Forest Development Corporations in the country. It has been engaged in the sustainable management of over 3 lakh hectares of forest land in Maharashtra for close to five decades. Focusing primarily on production forestry, FDCM has been raising valuable teak plantations and nurturing them to maturity, with strict adherence to the principles of scientific forestry. It has a consistent record of earning profit hovering around Rs. 100 crores, while contributing significantly to the generation of rural employment.

It is a privilege to work for FDCM, which has earned a great reputation over the years for its professional management of teak nurseries and teak plantations, harvesting and sale of superior timber sourced from sustainably managed forests and its robust forest protection and wildlife management mechanisms. In recent times, FDCM has chosen to adopt a more diversified portfolio by venturing into areas like ecotourism, medicinal plants cultivation, turn-key plantation for external clients and ex-situ management of wild animals.

One of India’s largest zoos, the Balasaheb Thackeray Gorewada International Zoological Park, which was recently inaugurated by the Hon. Chief Minister of Maharashtra, is the proud creation of FDCM. This facility is attracting hordes of visitors every day and has become a must-see tourism destination in Nagpur. The ‘Indian Safari’ of the Park, consisting of Leopard Safari, Sloth Bear safari, Herbivore Safari and Tiger safari, is a welcome departure from the conventional zoo and showcases the wild animals in their near-natural environment. With the imminent addition of more attractions like African Safari, Aviary and Walking Trail, the Gorewada Zoological Park is sure to emerge as one of the finest Zoos in the country.

FDCM has recently taken over the Government Sawmill at Allapalli and started value addition of timber by converting it into sawn wood and other byproducts. More such production units are expected to come up soon. This is not only a major departure from FDCM’s marketing strategy, but also a very significant step in the noble goal of making high quality wood available to the end-consumers at competitive prices. We are confident that this initiative will go a long way in freeing timber trade from unscrupulous profiteers and grey market operators. Being a major primary producer of world’s best teak wood, FDCM is bound to make a huge impact in the market with its sawn wood and other wood-based products. Conversion of the versatile bamboo into a variety of value-added products is another strong priority area for FDCM.

The demand for medicinal plants and their derivatives is growing by leaps and bounds, while their supply has hit serious roadblocks. Consequently, spurious raw materials often substitute for genuine plant products, threatening to bring our age-old tradition of nature-based healing to grave disrepute. With a view to ensure sustained supply of genuine plant products for the ayurvedic, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry, FDCM has plans to embark on large-scale cultivation of a range of medicinal tree species. In the era of global warming and climate change, FDCM is poised to take several green initiatives, such as promotion of bamboo and wood for domestic and industrial use, harnessing renewable energy sources such as solar and biomass, and promoting the concept of green buildings.

FDCM intends to play a part, however small, in our collective endeavor to create a greener world. In this journey, we seek the support of all, including governments, forest corporations in other states, civil society and people from all walks of life. We look forward to your valuable feedback and suggestions to enhance our efficiency, refine our processes, broaden our product range and to generally improve our utility to the society.