Balasaheb Thackeray Gorewada International Zoological Park & Rescue Centre

The Government of Maharashtra, issued its Government Resolution, for establishing International Standard Zoo and Rescue Centre at Gorewada village, Nagpur District on 1914 hectares of Forest Land through Forest Development Corporation of Maharashtra Ltd on Public Private Partnership mode of financing. Forest Development Corporation of Maharashtra Ltd. has already got essential permission from Central Zoo Authority of India for establishing International Standard Zoo and Rescue Centre at Gorewada. It has also got mandatory permission from Honorable Supreme Court of India regarding it. The project is to be of International Standard. The Consultant appointed for preparation of detailed Master Plan (DPR), for it, had prepared the Plan costing Rs. 451.31 crores.

Main features of the Project are as follows:

Total Project area: 1914 Hectares of forest land and 25.57 Hectares non forest government land.

Project components are : Indian Safari, African Safari, Night Safari, Bio Park, Deep Time Trail, Trail of senses, Tribal Village Trail, River Ride, Gorewada Reserve, Entrance Plaza, Bird Walking Aviary, Rescue Centre, and other related attractions. SPV (Special Purpose Vehicle) is to formed under Forest Development Corporation of Maharashtra Limited (“FDCM”) (Sanction is given under Memorandum of Association Article 92 (2) of FDCM Limited. A Joint Venture Company will be formed of FDCM and Private Investor and FDCM (51 % share) and Private Partner.

State of Maharashtra has agreed to provide Viability Gap Funding (VGF) to the tune of Rs. 183.63 crores besides providing forest land, non forest land and infrastructure built at Gorewada including Rescue Centre, Protection wall, internal roads, water bodies etc.

The project is proposed to be completed within 4 years. At the completion of project the estimated footfall is 27 lakh while ticket costing from Rs.50 to Rs.500. Bringing revenue up to Rs. 55 crores and expenditure Rs 40 crores per annum. Concession period is 50 years including formation. Period the project is to be managed by Joint Venture Company. The company will employ its human resources, procure zoo animals, provide Veterinary services through Maharashtra Animal and Fisheries Sciences University, Nagpur (MAFSU) which has entered into an Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to provide Veterinary Services and have Research and Training in field of wild animal and prepare a breed of wild life trained Veterian and established standard protocol in the field of wild animal.