Depot Shirsad

Name of the Depot : Shirsad
Location : Near Virar Phata,On Mumbai –Ahmedabad Road National Highway No.8, 45 K. M. from Thane(Google Location)
Area of Depot : 48.506 Hectare
About Depots: Shirsad Depot is established in 1974-75. The Central Depot is selected for the purpose of Sale of Timber, Poles and Firewood, extracted from regular departmental harvesting, thinning and seized material of offence cases. The timber, poles & firewood received from the forest is graded and stacked in this depot.
Quantity for Sale : Particular Available Quantity (As on 11-12-2021)
Number Cubic meter
Teak Timber 0 71.581
Non-teak Timber 0 523.528
Teak Poles 9313 0
Non-teak Poles 261 0
Teak Beat 0 318.225
Non-teak Beat 0 4246.81
Long Bamboo 0 0
Bamboo Bundle 0 0
Contact Persaon : Name: B M Jadhav
Designation: Range Forest Officer
Mobile No: 9860514982