Depot Paoni

Name of the Depot : Paoni
Location : 1 km from Paoni on Nagpur-Jabalpur National Highway No. 7 (Google Location)
Area of Depot : 14.00 Hectare
About Depots: Depot is selected for the purpose of Sale of Timber, Poles,Firewood and Bamboo extracted from regular departmental harvesting, thinning and seized material of offence cases. The timber, poles, firewood & bamboo received from the forest is graded and stacked in this depot.
Quantity for Sale : Particular Available Quantity (As on 31-12-2021)
Number Cubic meter
Teak Timber 1523 76.286
Non-teak Timber 1916 129.543
Teak Poles 296 5.528
Non-teak Poles 253 6.274
Teak Beat 4 0
Non-teak Beat 648 0
Long Bamboo 440 0
Bamboo Bundle 0 0
Contact Persaon : Name: S U Kayate
Designation: Forester
Mobile No: 9518312700