Turn Key Projects

The F.D.C.M. Ltd., started undertaking plantations on turnkey basis since 1990. Under this programme, plantations are raised by F.D.C.M. Ltd. on the lands of Govt. Departments, Corporations, Autonomous bodies, Public Institutions, etc. at terms and conditions that are mutually agreeable. The planted area is returned to the owner agencies after the completion of project as per prescribed time limit.

The F.D.C.M. Ltd. has completed 431 projects so far at the cost of Rs. 16293.08 Lacs, which are spread all over Maharashtra viz. Thane, Mumbai, Nagpur, Pune, and Chandrapur districts. In total, 89.93 Lacks seedlings have been planted under turnkey plantations, covering an area of 4361.76 ha.

At present, 9 projects, belonging to agencies, involving a cost of Rs. 3004.06 Lacs are in progress. The target for the year 2017-18 to 2026-27 is 3.73 Lacs seedlings for target area of 356.63 ha.

In the year 2014 & 2015 under Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of Western Coal field limited 3 project costing Rs. 552.79 lacks been executed through FDCM. Under this turnkey project 2.78 lacks of seedling have been planted at Chandrapur and Yeotmal district over 250.00 Ha. forest land.

Region Completed project site works Ongoing Projects
No.of Project work sites Plants (in Lacs) Area in ha. Cost of Project (in Lacs) No. of Projects Plants (in Lacs) Area in ha. Cost of Project (in Lacs)
Nagpur 52 11.89 481.89 1171.96 1 0.29 28.83 27.14
Chandrapur 209 50.76 1914.13 4019.90 0 0 0 0
Nashik 170 26.73 1965.74 11101.22 8 3.44 327.80 2976.92
Total 431 89.38 4361.76 16293.08 9 3.73 356.63 3004.06