Depot Peth

Name of the Depot : Peth
Location : On Nashik Northern side Nashik –Gujrat Road 50 K. M. from Nashik
Quantity at Depot : Teak Timber 150 cubic meter
Non- teak Timber 100 cubic meter
Teak Poles 5000 Nos.
Non-teak Poles: 2,000 Nos.
Teak Beat 200 cubic meter.
Non-teak Beat 300 cubic meter
Long Bamboo -- --
Bamboo bundle -- --
Area of Depot : 2 Hectare
Details of the Depots: Peth Depot is established in 1974-75. The Central Depot is selected for the purpose of Sale of Timber, Poles and Firewood, extracted from regular departmental harvesting, thinning and seized material of offence cases. The timber, poles & firewood received from the forest is graded and stacked in this depot. It is sold in open auctions.